Was searching around and can't seem to find a way to get the Werewolf Body. Official db link here https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodes...m/0b4ef018d3a/
Thought Square Enix put the older seasonal stuff in the mogstation?
If you're reading this, SE, please re-add it somehow!
Edit: a few min after posting this, I realized it was named something else in the mogstation -- Female Werewolf Set. I was expecting it to follow the db "Werewolf Attire for X", lol.
Sorry, false alarm!!!!
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Thought Square Enix put the older seasonal stuff in the mogstation?
If you're reading this, SE, please re-add it somehow!
Edit: a few min after posting this, I realized it was named something else in the mogstation -- Female Werewolf Set. I was expecting it to follow the db "Werewolf Attire for X", lol.
Sorry, false alarm!!!!
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