Weapons Support For New Jobs: Gnb & Dnc Empty Handed For The 4th Time In A Row

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in 3.0 3 new jobs were added and due to having no class role they started at 30 like every other job, fair is fair and due to this no loot dropped for any of them in any dungeon below Haukke Manor and below (which is barley a big deal) and all 3 jobs were fully supported (minus relic weapons so thats understandable to a point) with all ARR weapons all coil tier weapons and even ilvl 90/110 gear and old tome gear even having all 5 PVP tier gear ,making them as equal as the OG jobs (despite a massive oversight on gating them to Ishgard) and of course one shouldn't forget the Primal Glow weapons.

4.0 SAM and RDM debut but sadly starting so late meant getting snuffed quite a bit compared to the HW jobs. Since it doesnt start at 30 it misses out on a few dungeon drops but also misses out on old tome Masterworks gear (Ilvl 90/lvl 110) aswell as crafted ones like wootz. Sadly doesnt have allag gear from coils BUT gets Dreadwrym drops thankfully. No ARR pvp weapons but at least got 2 HW pvp weapons. Good thing is that this is the end of the culling as it got every HW item imaginable (besides ilvl250 crafted) all 6 primal weapons all 3 Alex tier weapons , all tome gear including eikon, doman and shire so it despite not having as much as HW jobs it still has many options going forward.

5.0 starts and HOOO BOY things turn sour fast. starting at the ridiculous level at 60 (so delete any hope to play the job starting unless ur overlevled and even then it erases some of ur kit due to syncing but thats a whole other topic for another time) and from the get go your options are completely barren. Starting so late gives the convenient excuse to not even bother with any weapons until 60 so from the get go no Dredwyrm weapon (sorry ultimate) no ironworks no primal weapons and no PVP weapons. Harsh but a counterargument can be made and say (why would a lv60 job need lv 50 weapons) so lets just focus on 60-70 then...which options arent nearly as diverse still

Not a single primal weapon in HW, no eikon weapon, no doman weapon (which they can very easily just copy paste from Doma Castle tbh) no HW pvp weapons and no raid weapons and ill just add on no Gold Saucer weapons aswell. oh but they do have Diadem weapons...along with Shire and all deep dungeon weapons.

Stormblood also doesn't give a single primal weapon to the new jobs (in 5.0 that is it, received Shinryu much later so it has 1/6) I can forgive no Ala mihgo gear as its possible it would be titanbronze, but no Lost Allag and no crafted weapons no Delta or Sigma scape weapons and no UWU weapon which stings. They did get HoH and 1 pvp weapon and Alphascape raid weapon but without many primal weapons this issue will age horridly over time...and it has. Trend needs to die before it gets worse when jobs inevitbaly start at 80/90

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