We Need Direct X11 Hotfixes Immediately.

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Posting in here in it's own thread to signal boost, but after patch 5.1 dropped MULTIPLE people have been hit with Direct X 11 errors (myself included) causing the game to crash. Some of these crashes have caused people to not even be able to zone in, others have kicked people out of dungeons/raids/pvp, and others have just been kicked minding their own business in towns. This issue needs to be sorted out ASAP as a hotfix.

I've taken a quote from the longest running DX11 error thread just to offer an easier way of looking at the issue if the mods look into the individual complaints.

The vast majority of people have not had a SINGLE issue with this until 5.1 dropped, we want this issue to be fixed or at least given acknowledgement that it will be looked into. Please assist us.

Originally Posted by kejoca
Collecting threads where others are having similar problems, most notably if they've already done their share of troubleshooting and getting the same crashes due to ntdll.dll or directx 11 dlls:

  • "I've disabled game bar in windows, disabled fullscreen optimizations, tried running in dx9 (still crashes)"
  • "Event Viewer indicates DirectX problems. Tried clean install of drivers, same problem. Just the game is "done" and just shuts off. Noticed a correlation that it seems to happen more often during "load" situations (mid fight, transitioning to a new zone, lots of players crowding an NPC). Only happens in FFXIV. Very frustrating."
  • "Use teleport and get 20 dx11 errors."
  • "1 minute into game get ffxiv_dx11.exe +11bd668, dx11.exe +11bfc5e, dx11.exe +11c2725, dx11.exe +47743c, dx11.exe +1b67f2, dx11.exe +128cb29, Kernel32.Dll +17974, and ntdll +6A271. Never got dx11 errors before till this 5.1 patch."
  • "...these crashes happen before the loading screen finishes"
  • "Obviously these issues started after the 5.1 patch was introduced just like everyone else's. I've already tried a reinstall and many other methods but they've done nothing."
  • "first noticed the crashing when I attempted to teleport to the Goblet. After a few crashes, I had a friend log me in and move me to another zone. After I logged myself back in, I teleported back to the Goblet to test it, and sure enough I crashed."
  • "...suddenly the instant crashing (sometimes a dx11 error, most often not)."
  • "I uninstalled FF14, did a fresh install of the game, restored settings etc...Attempted to log in after switching to Directx9. Crash to desktop, or perpetual loading screen (5-10min of loading, getting nowhere)...Updated AMD drivers from 19.9.2 to 19.10.2."
  • "At this point, after two full reinstalls of the game, and a gfx update to the latest possible AMD drivers for my card, I cannot do the new content."
  • "I even used a back up copy from start of 2.o and updated it to 5.1 and 1 hour later dx11 errors. So far used 3 back up copies and all 3 get dx11 errors with. I did everything they said to do and none of it has helped any."
  • "I tried a fresh install of ff14...I updated graphics drivers...I reset system settings through the ff14 launcher...reinstalled directx 11...I tried adjusting graphic settings in game didn't seem to do anything until I started changing the framerate cap from 60 fps, which is what I have it set to by default, to 30 fps then to uncapped which threw a directx 11 error"
  • "...good ole directx 11 error that's been going on for other people and myself has this is with a cleanboot while in a cutscene for the msq with Magnus, Thaffe, and Jeryk from the Good for the Soul quest"
  • "Same thing for me in Eulmore get a dx11 errors if i'm there to long or if teleport to the city. Now i'm getting them when teleport to lower decks."
  • "I'm running in compatibility and turned off all overlays, and now instead of directly crashing the game the instant the map is opened, it takes about 30-45 seconds during which I can continue to play, and *then* it crashes."

SE Support Team, the game only started having this abundance of graphic issues since the 5.1 patch. Please look over what changes have been made in the recent update and help us get back into the game. With these errors, the game is UNPLAYABLE.

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