The WE ARE VANA'DIEL website has been updated.
Check out the latest entries in the WE DISCUSS VANA'DIEL - Season 2 Producer Sessions, where the FFXI team members discuss their memories, thoughts, and various anecdotes regarding the mid- to late-stages of the game's development. In addition, the WE REMEMBER VANA'DIEL timeline, which recaps various events and important moments in the game's history, has been updated as well.
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Check out the latest entries in the WE DISCUSS VANA'DIEL - Season 2 Producer Sessions, where the FFXI team members discuss their memories, thoughts, and various anecdotes regarding the mid- to late-stages of the game's development. In addition, the WE REMEMBER VANA'DIEL timeline, which recaps various events and important moments in the game's history, has been updated as well.
Read on for details.
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