Waterproof Cotton Cloth

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Not trying to seem whiny, but I legitimately have a question about why this material is so difficult to obtain...... I desperately want the coeurl bikini but in order to craft it I need 2 of these, and after hours of farming up the right fish for desynth I still had no luck, 3 days of farming, waiting around for proper weather and time and even checking every world on my data center Aether, I STILL had no luck desynthed maybe 20-30 of these fish and nothing, Its a level 50 crafting material so why is it so hard to obtain, even the fish are hard to obtain in the time alotted I maybe get 2 or 3 of these fish and the desynth gives me nothing. The material is so hard to obtain that its been jacked up on the market board to excessive amounts, unless you buy RMT to cheat the system (don't worry though i've been tempted i've never done that) its hard to obtain that amount of money through normal means, especially when you are a struggling crafter, just to clarify these fish are only lvl 50 and I'm a lvl 72 Fisher, these fish should not be that difficult to obtain...... If any dev is reading this, can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fix this material drop rate? Its ridiculous that any crafter should have to be a millionaire or have incredibly lucky RNG to be able to obtain this material....... if any Fishers have any PRO tips to get this apparently LEGENDARY material easier,I would be glad for the help..... thanks ^_^ P.S. Talking about Waterproof Cotton Cloth, not Waterproof Cloth.

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