Very Wip - Tea Ultimate Timeline. (up To Phase 3)

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Been working on this the last few days, utilizing other people's timelines from public record on FFLOGs.

It's imperfect, but I do believe the abilities line up with the seconds well enough to plan accordingly. If you can use it, more power to ya here it is

Since I got the info from other peoples public logs, seemed only appropriate to share on the off chance someone could use it to their benefit. I'll be continuing to work on it as I get more access to logs and progress in my own group. Feel free to send me your logs if you have of Phase 1, Phase 2 Enrage, or Completion of Phase 3 or Hard Enrage on Phase 3. I'd also take them for any and all of Phase 4. Thank you much :)

Steady Styrmdraga - Steady#2858 on discord

submitted by /u/SteadyDarktrance
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