Update the style of Maps

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Some of the things that I've been thinking about in my time playing FFXIV. The relic grind for EW was also extremely underwhelming in comparison, and that there should be more content for the casual user base. I personally think an update in the style of maps would be a way to fix the issues; to make the world feel more alive, accommodate the casual user base, and even accommodate those who love battle content.

The style of maps I have in mind is inspired from Dragon Quest IX's post game. Each map, instead of 8 man, is an instanced 4 man dungeon that is randomly generated layout with a random amount of floors, random amount of enemies per floor, with a random boss at the end.

The dungeon aesthetic, floor amount, where the dungeon was located and the difficulty of the enemies in the dungeon was determined by the name provided on the map itself. At the end of each of the maps, you get another map that is randomly generated which made it repeatable content.

In regards to rewards, you were able to get different glamour from previous games, items for crafting to improve your weapons, items to help you craft different relics and weapons, and sometimes you were able to get a rare drop that was an additional map that would allow you to fight bosses from previous games.

The rare maps that lead to bosses only had a single floor with no enemies and only the boss. These boss fights were extreme to savage level of difficulty. And for FFXIV, it can be a special trial map that is done with 8 players.

Doing this I feel would make great battle content. It would be a combination of Deep Dungeon and Maps. It would be content that is repeatable, a good relic grind, and even provide battle content with trials that're only available through maps. It can even make the world feel more alive with more players exploring the world for their battle content instead of always being done through Duty Finder.

Just a suggestion

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