Unpopular Opinion - Housing Demolishment Should Be Much Stricter

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So i was recently going around the districts looking at and taking some screenshots of peoples houses for ideas for how i might furnish my FC's house (We're hopefully upgrading to a large some time this year if we get lucky), i went in to a lot of houses both FC and personal alike...and you know what i saw?

I saw two types

The first was what you might expect, fully furnished and maybe with a few personal chambers for their members

The second....

Well, suffice it to say i went in to many large houses and all they had in them was a few vendors and a few partitions and NOTHING else. For some of these FC's, who leave their houses abandoned, i looked them up on the lodestone and found that many of these FC's are full of near necrotic levels of active players - Maybe only 1 or two people at lvl 80 that likely haven played since July or August other than to log in to make sure their house isnt demolished, when i consider the gear they're wearing on their lodestone page. This wasn't just one FC either - It was dozens of them, with both medium and large houses just sitting nearly empty not even offering anything to random visitors such as myself.

I know my post may seem a bit ranty...But ultimately i see two solutions to this kind of thing, and prefereably i think we should get both.

Firstly, we should get more use for housing outside of gardening and the workshops, but that's no secret, we've been asking for that for years.

And secondly, i really think that housing demolish timers should be FAR stricter. 14 days instead of 35 for example, or perhaps instead of requiring someone simply enter the front door, require that the house actually be used in some way....

I dont have all the answers and neither will i pretend that i know the solution to this, i'm not a professional game designer but as someone who is part of an FC that has been waiting for the opportunity to get a large house for YEARS its honestly quite upsetting to see all these houses standing basically empty.

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