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So I had a conversation today with someone in my hunt party, and he brought up undercutting. When he said that you should undercut by only one gil, I told him that if someone does that to me, I drop my price by 1k. And he didn't like that. He said, that if you do that, the price drops, and all sellers lose money, but if you only undercut by 1 gil, then the price remains high for everyone.

No it doesn't. It remains high for you! Not for me, mine doesn't sell. If you like my price, then match it, don't undercut it. If you undercut by 1 gil, you're saying, "Hey, I like you're price, so I'm going to steal your sale." And I get screwed cause mine doesn't sell.

If you're going to undercut, then I'm going to go to a price war with you because I want mine to sell too. And I'm going to make it painful for you to do it. If the price gets to low, I'm going to pull my item and wait for price to go back up, and only you are screwed with the low price. If you don't want a price war, just match my price. If you undercut by too much, maybe I'll just pull my item and not compete. But you undercut by 1 gil, and it's on. Don't give me some bull garbage about undercutting by only one gil is good for everyone ... undercutting is only good for the you. Matching the price is good for everyone.

And mind you, I'm not against people undercutting. But don't make it some moral argument saying there is a proper way to do it. There is no way in which undercutting benefits everyone. It only benefits you. So don't get upset if you set off a price war by undercutting.

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