Ultima voice chat?


{too weak}{Black Mage}
FC/Active Member
Sorry if I just missed it somewhere but is there an Ultima voice chat up? I'm not on Hyperion most of the time but I'd love to chat with you guys more
Mumble server, same as before.

I'm trying to get more people to use it... consistently. I've not been on very much due to work, but I'll be on this weekend.
I stay on Mumble.. lol.. usually the only one on whenever I play.
I log into mumble when I'm playing. I've only ever seen Val and Mora in there. Mora said something yesterday but I didn't hear cause my music was turned up. Sorry mora.
I log into mumble when I'm playing. I've only ever seen Val and Mora in there. Mora said something yesterday but I didn't hear cause my music was turned up. Sorry mora.

i was just confessing my love to you.
lol... I got the PC version also cause playing BRD on PS3 is abit difficult with swapping between cross bars during mid fight -.-

im still on ps3, i just use mumble on my cellphone. theres no way my 200 dollar black friday special laptop could play this. when i benchmarked it im pretty sure the score it got was like... 20. lol.

aside from not looking pretty ive had no issues with the ps3 version thus far. ill continue on on ps4 when i get one of those ^^
What's the info for Mumble? This would be great for Titan so I can call his move sets. Also so we dont have to use the Nakama ventrilo server and take up there spots.