Two Person Party Option With Trusts Or Squadron, Why Doesn't This Exist?

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Recently my wife and kids started playing FFXIV. I had been mainly solo for last several months. My family starting to play the game pointed out a glaring issue with trusts and or Squadrons, there is no option to party with another player in a dungeon to get exp for two people. I know the option that doesn't give experience, but that is not any good for new players. Why does SE not support small groups better with either trusts or squadron. For those out there, saying do deep dungeon, we have but that gets boring pretty quick. SE we need some options for regular dungeon play with 2 or 3 players and a trust/squad member.

I am sure this has been discussed in length, but I didn't see it when I did a search. So apologies in advance, if its out there already.


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