Trialist symbol

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Please put a symbol above people's heads and also in the search list that shows if people are on trial... right now pretty much 90% of the FC-less people I see appear to be on trial so you can't even invite them into your FC and they can't even reply unless you stand within ear range...

Sometimes I wonder what the purpose of a trial is when you make it unlimited... it make sense if the trial had 30 to 60 free days and you would be able to convert that same account/character to a paid subscription without starting from scratch.

Making it unlimited while limiting what they can do... is a bit like using these players to amp up statistics on total active accounts when in reality they shouldn't even be counted...
I've been trying to recruit for a long time now but it seems the game isn't drawing any new subscribers for a while now... is the game close to death at this point?

In 10 years as a recruiter I've never struggled to find people so badly..
Where I could find 20 people in 30 minutes 5 years ago, I now need 90 minutes to find just 1...

So please lets stop try making this a fake thing and give us a way to set trialists apart from subscribers so we stop wasting our time trying to convince people to join who can't even do that...

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