Thoughts on the Hunt and Spawn Courtesy

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I think it's pretty safe to say that the Hunt is one of the more controversial aspects of the game. I would post this as a comment to another persons post - but there are already so many, so what's 1 more.

As a preface: Yes, I do actively participate in Spawning and Scouting.

- The Hunt was intended to be Kill on Sight. Okay, sure, fact. Praetorium was intended as an 8-player dungeon before it was reworked to a 4-player and the CS's were significantly shortened, in part due to player feedback.
- Spawners do not own the S-Ranks that they spawn. Okay, sure, agreed. But let's not let it escape us that when people complain about 'early-pullers', it's because those 'early pullers' often don't put in the actual time and effort to spawn these ranks.
- Players are not entitled time to reach each and every spawn. Okay, sure, preach. If I don't make it in time to get a hit in, then I don't make it in time to get a hit it. But let's be honest here, I can almost guarantee that ain't none of the ardent early puller apologists out there haven't benefited from Spawn Courtesy at one time or another.

I have every right walk out my door, take a look at the first person I make eye contact with, and say to them "You are the ugliest, dumpster fire excuse of a person I have ever had the misfortune to laying my eyes on." But that doesn't mean that I should, and that sure as hell doesn't mean that I'm free of the consequences of the actions and words.
As a U.S. resident, one of my biggest pet peeves is when I hear people try to justify all of the asinine and abhorrent things they say as "Free Speech" and then pretend that there is nothing that no one can say or do otherwise. That 1st Amendment Free Speech may mean the government cannot prosecute them (within reasonable limitations) - but again, that sure as hell does not mean that they can cry victim while they suffer the consequences of what they do and say.

In that same vein, Premature Pullers cannot be punished by SE for killing an S-Rank on sight when Kill on Sight is explicitly permitted. However, that does not mean there are not going to be consequences for their actions. Pulling early may not violate ToS, but it's still a violation of social ethos, those unwritten rules of common courtesy that we, the community of players, have collectively agreed upon.

And while I fully believe that these players should not be publicly outed - we can still recognize that this is still a legitimate issue that many people have strong feelings about.

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