Thoughts On Countering Gear Ilvl (that We'll Probably Never See): Gravity Damage

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We've talked about it many times: Probably the biggest issue with healing in recent years is that even if new content is fun to prog, it eventually gets out-geared, as does all the old content, and now there's not nearly enough damage to warrant the library of healing tools we have access to.

I feel like there's a really simple solution to this issue from a design point--why not just make at least harder fights have a gravity damage quality to it? Like, let's say when a fight is released, they want the raid-wide attack to deal roughly 75% of everyone's HP as damage (this is just an example).

Why not drastically lower the potency of the attack while adding a factor that always deals, say 60% of each party member's current HP as damage (the total damage can be mitigated though). This way, as players gear up, a large portion of the damage will actually go up. We still want some of that damage to decline with gear though, which is why the attack isn't entirely gravity-based. As you gear, you'll still be weakening the potency portion of the damage.

Now, there are obviously a lot more elements to encounter design that we can discuss regarding healing, and this isn't the only issue, but it was something that came to mind recently and I couldn't get it out of my head.

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