There needs to be an min IQ requirement...


Retainer of the House of Ultimague
Okay, seriously. There needs to be a fucking MINIMUM IQ threshold for someone to work in IT at a hospital. Really. And an even higher threshold to be much less be a director. Sorry for the long rant, but this hospital is completely fucking incompetent.

For those who don't know, I work in a hospital software company. We have everything from emergency room, to billing, to xray software, you name it. Hospital in a box. The part I work for is a handy little program that converts and sends data from our proprietary format into a separate SQL database on its own server. SQL is an industry standard so it's useful for all kinds of things. Still with me?

This hospital I'm trying to get set up is completely fucking clueless. I deal with this a lot. But what's worse, they're bitching at me for their lack of knowledge. When their director if IT is yelling at me over the phone, "So you mean I'm going to have to learn SQL or PAY for some other tool to do it for me?! You should have this tool. You should train us on SQL. We may as well pull the plug on this whole thing," it really makes me hate humans. At this point, I really fucking wish she had for so many reasons below.

  • Bitching at me that you're going to have to learn SQL is like bitching at your auto mechanic that you're going to have to learn to drive stick for your manual transmission car. Look lady, I didn't make it, I just service it. Why the fuck did you even buy it then? This module lives and breathes SQL. It's its raison d'etre. If you didn't want to deal with SQL, you shouldn't have bought it.
  • I'm trying to get onto the server to do some initial setup, and I can't. Then their network admin bitches at ME that he set it up so it's my problem. I manage to get on a different server, then double jump to the server I wanted, and lo and behold. He installed PcAnywhere but he didn't even set up a host on it. Duh....
  • Because I'm the NICEST FUCKING PERSON IN THE WORLD I set up the host for them. But then find the admin login they gave us wasn't working. Mr. Network Admin insisted they had it right, so it was my problem again. Trying to figure out what it could be, I ask him what their Windows domain was and he replies, ""

    For those of you not in IT, that's a web domain, not a Windows domain. Though I suspect most people know that anyway. Someone IN IT should know something as basic as that. To me, not knowing is grounds for firing. He does not belong working with computers.
  • Again because I'm the nicest person in the goddamn universe, I poke around their other server, pull up the list of domains, and fire various users, passwords, and domains at my target server until one finally lets me in.
  • Eureka! At last I'm on my server! I double check their SQL set-up and.... it's not correctly configured. The collation sequence is wrong. The had a contractor so first problem that wasn't their fault! But so I go to the contractor to get him to redo it. He didn't know how so I had to send him info on how to rebuild master. And they paid this guy money? Jeez...
  • SQL totally rebuilt! Yay! So I FINALLY get to set up our software. Once that's complete, I update the hospital saying, "Okay you're all set in your test environment now. Please begin testing the software."

    FYI- all our hospitals have 2 environments. A test environment that's used to make sure everything works and their live environment where doctors and nurses are actually entering patients, etc. Everything must go to test first. There is no room for argument. Safety compliance demands everything be tested before you even think of touching live. You don't fuck around when people's lives are on the line. Nuff said.
  • So their Director of IT, after having bitched me out that she'd have to learn SQL, then says, "Something's wrong with the program. I can't access it in live." This was RIGHT after I finished saying "You're set up in test, please start testing." So in addition to ignoring what I said, common sense doesn't tell her it should have gone to test first for safety reasons. And she's the director. I fear for their patients. I really do.
  • Miraculously I manage to reply without giving away my disdain, that their software is not live yet. We just got them set up in test and now is the time to begin testing it. Then she asks me, "Okay, so where can I sign up for training?"
  • I had already given her the link in another message earlier. Funny thing is in that thread, she had asked multiple times too even though it was just a few paragraphs up. So I gave her the link to training sign ups for the 4th time. And proceeded to /headdesk some more.
  • And this was after she bitched me out about training too saying she didn't want to go because we don't train them on SQL. And ranted that the entire training was worthless. Sorry lady, we don't make SQL. We don't train on it. We have our own software to worry about. This is just a tool so you can have your data in SQL too. If you buy that module, it's expected you have SQL expertise. It's like exporting your MS Word file into an HTML file and then expecting Microsoft to train you on how to code HTML. Uh, what?
At this point, I hope this site does pull the plug on this module. Or fire its entire IT department and hire qualified people. I doubt either will happen. While incompetent IT is no bearing on the quality of their doctors, having a shitty IT department inhibits the doctors. They're not able to do their jobs fully. I predict within 5 years or less, their servers will come down due to incompetence and neglect. I sincerely hope none of you are in Coldwater, MI at that time.
What the hell is there to learn about SQL that you can't learn in a few hours for free if you have access to a web browser and a search engine >.>; lol.


PS my personal current rant is on SSRS reports. Not that they're all that bad. Just time consuming and boring to the n-th degree. We're in the process of converting dozens of reports from Crystal 10 to SSRS, and since SSRS is a newer and less refined product there are some ... speedbumps, lol. But for the most part just kinda boring.
Did someone say TPS reports?!


So, Zeri, you work for a vendor that produces healthcare software that is then bought by hospitals? You don't work for Cerner, do you? >.>

[I spent the 10 previous years supporting a healthcare software package [sat on top of Oracle 9], that we interfaced with other modules & packages.... I know your pain.]

It's hard to even begin to comment on the level of stupidity that you have posted about.

Just wow. lol.

Benny: What the hell is SRSS? and Why would you switch from something like Crystal, that isnt broken???
There once was a time when I used to look at things the same way Zeri does. After many years it finally dawned on me that incompetent IT and wayward users are the reason I easily land and retain nearly any IT job I go for, and it pays well. If they were all able to successfully execute IT strategies and the users knew what they were doing, there wouldn't be any need for 95% of the people in IT. This would render it MUCH more difficult to get a job in IT. I'm not saying it's good that many people are made of fail - it just is what it is and I make a damned good living from it. Hell, if all software/hardware just worked without fail, there'd be 0 staff needed to keep the lights on, let alone provide enhancements.

And Benny, we have 20,000 reports to convert from BObj, Crystal, and WebIntelligence to SSRS in the next year or two, with a great many being in the line of business your background lies in. In fact, seeing as I just quit, you could probably land the job - my last day is the 15th. LMK if interested so I can get you pointed in the right direction.
What the hell is SRSS? and Why would you switch from something like Crystal, that isnt broken???

SQL Server Reporting Services. Microsoft is making it's first forays into Business Intelligence. As for Crystal not being broken, I am leaving the second largest Crystal implementation in the world and let me tell you the French are the worst software devs in the world, leaving Crystal fraught with bugs. Business Objects/SAP (who owns Crystal now) has atrocious dev support.
Benny: What the hell is SRSS? and Why would you switch from something like Crystal, that isnt broken???

SSRS is Microsoft's take on reporting services. We wouldn't have any reason to switch, of course, except that the new loan software we're looking into does not support Crystal for its reports, which is a rather big problem.

Fod: I'll PM you later.

What the hell is there to learn about SQL that you can't learn in a few hours for free if you have access to a web browser and a search engine >.>; lol.
On an even sadder note, I sent her links to several of those resources too like and W3 Schools to try and help her out. -_-

So, Zeri, you work for a vendor that produces healthcare software that is then bought by hospitals? You don't work for Cerner, do you? >.>
Nope, Meditech.

After many years it finally dawned on me that incompetent IT and wayward users are the reason I easily land and retain nearly any IT job I go for, and it pays well. If they were all able to successfully execute IT strategies and the users knew what they were doing, there wouldn't be any need for 95% of the people in IT.
That's very true... but maybe idealistically I expect hospitals to hold a higher standard. Mind you if someone dies because their IT was fucked up, I'd imagine JCAHO could shut them down. And they could also face considerable civil suits from the families that will cost them millions. "Our dad died when the Emergency Room software went down because the server ran out of space. Your IT was grossly negligent in not monitoring that." While a made up example, I have had hospitals come down because they weren't monitoring their storage. Thankfully no one was harmed, but the potential is there. It seems in the long run more cost effective to hire quality people and retain only those worth their salt than it is to face a lawsuit when something hits the fan.
Miraculously I manage to reply without giving away my disdain

My entire office makes use of this skill on a liberal basis. Kudos for hanging in there.

I'm fortunate that most of my job is not nearly as bad as the experiences related here, but I feel my testing/QA infrastructure is right down there at the bottom. Our testers and QA people are pretty good; it's just the test environment that's a total disaster. On my project that finished last week, we literally lost a full week of testing time (plus another two week's worth of partial days) because of the unstable environment, the lack of processor time, database problems, mainframe features we needed being removed with no warning, and days of test data being erased (no backups available, of course).
Varda your new avatar is 1000% of cuteness. Where'd you find it?

... Business Objects/SAP (who owns Crystal now) has atrocious dev support.

If I told you how many issues we've had since we've migrated some of our Financial Aid and Sallie Mae reports into BoE, your hair would catch fire. BoE is garbage. Same goes with Progress databases. Fuck'em both.
LOL @ Tits!

Glad I'm not the only one working with crappy software and users though. It's comforting. Some days the only thing keeping you going are the really smart users that make you smile. Not all hospitals are as dumb as my rant. Many are very good. In the name of that, Ginger's Top Hospitals in North America:

1) Women's Hospital, Baton Rouge, LA - Friendly and knowledgeable staff. Make crazy awesome use of the product. I lurrrrrv (that's southern drawl there) them.

2) Hill Country Memorial, Fredricksburg, TX - INCREDIBLY savvy staff. Their CIO doesn't put up with anything, so the staff know their shit inside and out. In fact he fired my former contact which was just as well since she was an airhead. He tells me about all the innovative things they're doing with our product in conjunction with Dimensional Insight on top of SQL. It's nice hearing when all I usually get to hear about are just bugs, not accomplishments.

3) Edward Hospital, Naperville, IL - They're a pain the goddamn ass to work with, but they're thorough. They hound me on everything, demand constant attention and go over even my boss' head if I haven't figured out their bug quickly enough. But if I were a patient I'd feel safe knowing their tenacity and OCD accepts nothing less than perfection.

4) Cook Children's Medical Center, Forth Worth, TX - Another site I hate but is amazing. They are incredibly smart, in fact my contact is an ex-Meditecher so none of us can get away with anything. He's an asshole but he gets stuff done. He's able to help troubleshoot, slaps their users into thorough testing, and even slaps me if I take too long on a bug. They set ridiculous regulation that makes my life hell servicing them, but if I were the mom or dad of a child at that hospital, I'd feel more secure that they were on top of everything.

5) Bloorview Macmillan Children's Centre, Toronto, Ontario - Another nice site that is knowledgeable too. My contact is FANTASTIC at reproducing issues for me. I love her. Really. So they're having this bug, and she'll hand me on the platter exactly how to recreate it. Normally this is something I have to tease out based on programs and audit logs of user activity. Hospitals are never nice enough to tell me what they did, except this one. Yay Canada!

Hopefully some of you live in these areas. Or if nearby, I'd highly recommend them. :)
oh good, glad you don't work for these people... absolutely the slowest response time to my issue ever!

"Introducing HEALTHKEYâ„¢ by Medfusion"

(basically got dc'd 1/2 way through the forms & it wouldn't let me register at all b/c my son was in the system already)
Varda your new avatar is 1000% of cuteness. Where'd you find it?

Isn't it? =^.^= A friend sent me the link. It's actually a flash application that lets you build FFXI avatars. You can find it here:

It's all in Japanese, but it's not hard to figure out what button does what. The buttons on the right choose the race/gender. Others affect hairstyle, expression, head item, armor, background, special effects, and "friends" like baby chocos and such. The baby chocos are sooo cute, but they would make the avatar too wide for our forum.

You will need to take a screenshot and crop it, but it was well worth the extra effort. ^_^v
Heh, I can echo some of the tech issues are in education as well. While I don't deal with the support side (though rollout and implementations have their own ... support ... issues), it's amazing.

What we've found is that, at least educators and maybe health care specialists, feel they are so "better" that no one could do a better job or know more than they do. So, it's impossible for this to be THEIR fault, so it must be YOUR fault.

We constantly battle with having "educators" tell our CIO how to implement technology.

Just keep this in mind, Zeri: They called you for support and you're providing it. No matter how shitty they act to you, they NEED you and you can take comfort in that power. ;)