The Sneak Graphic Desecrates The Sanctity Of Angling

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As you all know, FSH is the holiest, purest, most noble path in all of FFXIV. I was pleased with 5.1 to hear some improvements were coming to gatherers, and while not much for FSH has come out prior to the second wave of changes with 5.2, I was enthused to hear of Sneak, a way for us to move without detection while maintaining the luxury of full mobility.

But then there is... this...


These big, ugly floating orbs, absolutely defile the purity of the class, disrupting the serenity of this most noble of pursuits. It is very visually disruptive in an otherwise tranquil activity.

This is heresy.

I understand this graphic is in place to have an easy indicator to know when it's on but at the very least it should be invisible while we are in the fishing stance. If we are being real we should not even have to have it activated near enemies, because no one should ever attack an angler under any circumstance, but I realize I can't ask for reasonable solutions here. Remove the orbs and repent.

The Holy Sea of Fishgard will hear about this and you'll be sorry.

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