The Show "24"


Unicorns are kickass!
Does Keefer sutherland ever sleep or what?
On the next hit season of 24 we will go to the set of ER where Keefer Sutherland is in serious sleep deprevation after staying up 3 days in a row. or sumthin... geez i need sleep
the camera work on that show is horrible!!
I can't stand to watch a minute of it.. blair witch anyone? -_-.
/cry /cry /cry

I watched this show ALL SEASON and missed the 2-hour finale... wtf ; ;

Can someone explain to me what happened? /cry
You do realize it is possible for a person to be awake 24 hours straight right? Over a year of TV time seperates most of the various seasons =P

P.S. 24 kicks ass and Jack Bauer would pwn you.
jack baur, or however you spell his name, doesn't pwn me, infact he puts me to sleep so maybe i pwn him? or maybe i just need more shinies to keep me intrested? :shades02: