The "SE Please take this game feature from..." thread. (Constructive Feedback)

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If you could take a single feature directly from another online service game (Doesn't have to be MMORPG, no changing it, what is the most passionate thing to you to for it and why. Be it a mechanic, feature, system the "I wish FF had this ..." or "I wish FF was like this ...". I know existing content may make it not work at all but the idea's for feedback.

World of Warcraft

Class variety.

What I like about it:
When I play a different class or in some cases, different specialization in the same class, it changes the entire pacing and feel for the game to me, maybe I can take on more mobs but kill slower, maybe I rely on burst damage to kill something because I'm more fragile, maybe I have a pet to tank for me, how I approach healing changing.

How it differs to me from FF:
In FF it feels like I am just pressing different buttons to achieve the same effect, even entire roles don't feel that different. Every 30 second / 1 minute / 2 minute do this thing, I feel no identity change, no gameplay change, it's just a different thing to remember.

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