The perfect patch cycle that we need (Chaotic, Criterion looking at you)

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So after hearing peoples feedback from Chaotic and a general lack of content complaint and then from Arthas that Chaotic is just once per this expansion and Criterion will be here the rest of the expansion instead but i really feel 4 vs 24 man content are very different and shouldn't sub for each for other.
So my perfect basic Patch cycle (combat, gearing wise that i'm surprised they don't do) is as followed)

X.0 Launch, MSQ, EX1,EX2

X.01, X.2, X.4 Normal raids and .2,.4 usual EX

X.02, X.21,X.41 Savage

X.05, X.25, X.45: Criterion (gives item like alliance for shine, twine, solvent and also similar to Proto Ultima an item for a bis ilvl accessory) Weekly lockout and if they do the horrid Savage Criterion again the BIS weapon stuff.
Also namely in X.05 drop the first part of the relic and the casual exploration zone stuff already, with plenty of hairstyles. So already more battle content but also the casual stuff.

X.1,3,5 Alliance and Chaotic Alliance, (Usual Extreme). Chaotic should have come earlier, namely before Ultimate

X.11, X.31, X.51 Ultimate

X.15,X.35, X.55 more Relic stuff/exploration zone.

Basically an attempt evenly spread content throughout the expansion as we had 2 Criterion very close to each last expansion and very little in the X.0 and X.1, Chaotic is very much welcomed but where's the relic stuff?

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