The Most Interesting Moogle in Vana'diel Contest!

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The bards of Vana'diel tell the tale of a Moogle whose deeds and adventures are like no other! They sing his praise in every tavern across the land; he is the most interesting Moogle in Vana'diel! Surely adventurers are so familiar with the legends surrounding him that they'll be able to easily provide some insight into his magnificence. For those brave enough to echo the lyrics of the bards, all you need to do is post an entry into the contest thread with your own example of why the "most interesting Moogle in Vana'diel" is the "most interesting Moogle in Vana'diel" and the Community Team will select five winners to be awarded the prestigious Nomad Moogle Rod!

This contest has ended on Mar. 29, 2012.
