The Gamer's Guide To Avoiding Post-patch Headaches

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Let's face it. For most of us, we are all too familiar with the excitement of playing the next major story update being soured by long queues, massive lag in areas of importance and trying to remember where that obscure npc is that lets us unlock that nifty new fangled trial. For some of us it will be a new experience, one that may actually hurt our overall enjoyment of what should be an exciting day. That being said, I want to take the opportunity to try and alleviate as much of those issues as possible by offering a few pointers on how to nip the typical launch day problems in the bud.

Tip #1: Turn on your console or PC first thing to download the update, the earlier the better.

Nothing quite kills patch day excitement like having to sit through a long download especially when you've had to sit on your hands for the last day waiting for the game to be available. Now it is no secret that adding the update to the game rarely ever goes the full 24 hours , but you can't start playing the second the update is actually in game as they always go the full duration of the maintenance period, but you can preemptively download the patch in the wee hours before they bring the game back online which means you can be one of the first to jump into game the second it is available. After you boot it up, go have breakfast, take a shower if you haven't, watch some TV or go out and get some shopping done, you can even go back to sleep if you want. You've waited this long for the update, spending a little more time and getting other obligations out of the way will make things easier.

Tip #2: Disable Player and Minion names upon logging in.

Once the game is actually up and running the areas that involve new content are going to be flooded with people clamoring to play through said content, and while it is always nice to see an explosion of new activity in the game, the fact of the matter is that the game simply can't keep up with such a large number of people and that means assets like NPCs are going to struggle to load into existence, now there isn't a whole lot you can do about this since it is a problem with the game itself and not your system or internet speed, however you can make it better on yourself by disabling player names and minion names. it may not seem like much, but it does cause a noticeable improvement to the game's ability to load NPCs in for you. Now to disable them you need to Pull up the menu, scroll over all the way to the right and find Character Configuration. From there you go to Display Name Settings (look for the icon of a person with a long rectangle over their head) go to Display Name Presets and choose to hide the names of all Players and Minions.

Tip #3: Know your locations.

One thing that can be frustrating is getting lost when looking for new content, this is something both veterans and new players struggle with because the time between major patches is long and it can be hard to remember the exact spot an NPC is waiting for you. Now you can easily find the information in the Patch Notes (see here) and for those who are skimming through Reddit between loading screens, i will also be posting the locations of said NPCs here as well.

The Main Scenario Quest begins at The Rising Stones in Mor Dhona by speaking with Krile. You can reach it by using the Mor Dhona Aetheryte.

The Eden raid NPC is located in Amh Araeng, more specifically they are located in the town of Mord Souq and the NPC goes by the name of Yalfort. You can reach this town with the Mord Souq Aetheryte

The Emerald Weapon quest can be started by visiting the Base Camp, which is accessed by speaking to the Resistance Officer who is located just down the stairs of the Porta Praetoria Aetheryte in The Lochs.

The YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse quest line can be continued with this patch (though we do not get access to the final raid until 5.5) by speaking with Konogg in the town of Komra. Be aware that this town does not have an Aetheryte Crystal so you must actually travel to it. Komra is located high up on the cliffs of Kholusia on the far right near the cliff's edge.

Tip #4: Don't lose your cool over wipes in the new dungeons and trials.

I know it is very frustrating to experience a wipe when you've been waiting so long to access these new activities, however nothing ever gets solved by losing your temper with someone for making mistakes. Never forget that this content is new for \everyone** and that wipes are to be expected when the entire party is going in blind. Failing a fight is no one's fault, and it certainly won't make things easier if you begin chewing someone out over the mistakes you think they are making or rage quit the party, or drive others to quit with your attitude. This goes doubly for people looking to tackle the Savage versions of the new trials. The entire point of learning parties is to figure out the mechanics and how to progress past them. No progress will ever be made by screaming at someone for dying to a mechanic they haven't seen before, or are trying to commit to memory for the next attempt.

Tip #5: Remember to take breaks.

It is easy to lose track of time and spend countless hours playing the game, but remember to take breaks to freshen up. Stand up and do some stretches, go get something to eat or take a a hot shower, or even take a nap and rest your eyes. Don't burn yourself out, the game isn't going anywhere so there is no need to try and push through all of it in a single sitting. This is especially important for those who want to tackle the end game challenges and are getting frustrated with little or no progress. Often times taking a break and coming back can be just the thing you needed to make something click.

That is about it, I hope everyone has a lot of fun with the new content and i Look forward to playing with you all.

submitted by /u/Jason_Wolfe
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