The Future, And Beyond

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Hello everyone. This is actually the first time ever I'm posting something on the forum.

I am somewhat concerned with the direction the game is taking as of late. As many of you already know, there are many threads regarding the latest patch and how it has caused alot of frustration due to the poor implementation of Bozja. However, that is only scratching the surface.

To make a piece of content mandatory that was irrelevant 2 weeks after is not a wise choice. People were raising their voices and critcisms across all social media sites, and
how it was virtually impossible to complete the story of Bozja considering no one was doing Castrum at that time. Why? Because not only is it punishing, but there are no rewards worth risking all the progress that have been made.

Normally I abstain and stay silent when it comes to all things, however when you love something you will make an effort to see it grow in a healthy way.

To put things into perspective, let's compare this expansion to the expansions before and what is currently missing.

- This expansion has the least dungeons released.

- Deep Dungeons were cut entirely.

- (Hard) Dungeons were also cut.

- Classes, especially Tanks are simplified.

- Relics are too easy to get. (now they are too difficult to get).

- Latest patch has brought new issues.

Ever since Shadowbringers was released, decisions happened and often the only argument I heard was to make it easier for newcomers. Don't get me wrong, it's amazing so many people are finding this enjoyment I felt when I first started. I can't imagine how much fun they are currently having and more power to them. But that does not erase the past, and that's exactly what I'm showing you.

All of these changes have hardened the fronts between casual and veteran players. All of the content and gameplay choices removed were midcore content providing players the chance of honing their skills, and get familiar with difficult situations, thus slowly introducing them towards harder content. This balance had its own fair share of issues, but it worked. Alas, the space between these two factions grows increasingly bigger by each patch. With the removal of content that required a moderate amount of communication, players are now finding themselves only having this experience in Savage content.

Reason I write this is to have an open discussion regarding this topic in a professional and constructive manner.

(English is not my native language, I apologize in advance).

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