The Epic Of Alexander Prog Strats

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Friends have been using our prog document for TEA so I figured I'd share it here as well: TEA Rice and Leek Farming Strats

Few notes and disclaimers:

We progged blind up until the secret of the True Heart was discovered so our strats may not be the most optimal out there and were tailored for our triple ranged comp. We saw streamer POVs of Wormhole and disliked the handling so we theorycrafted a strat that, as we found out, ended up pretty much the same as TpS. Personally, I think TpS handling has some unnecessary complications but the differences are very minor overall.

Phase 1 was optimised for healer comfort and cleave damage is minimised on purpose for the sake of consistency - Jagd Dolls and Hand of Pain wipes aren't fun when you do that phase so much.

Phase 2 was optimised for minimal movement, hence why the MNK pretty much stays in the same spot for most of the phase and the PLD is taking Thunders even if that's not ideal in terms of healing comfort.

The only thing I dislike, conceptually, about our strats, is that we made a tank take the CC cleaves in Inception (for trust reasons), which means the tank had to always take the first cleave so the debuff wears off before AP autos. You can make both tanks stack with the Shared Sentence and send a DPS to bait a CC cleave - somewhat cleaner to execute but more people need to know what they're doing (2 vs 4).

Perfect Alexander was straight up copied from VODs so I doubt you'll find anything worthwhile there.

I suppose the most valuable thing in our document is that it has clear POVs of all 8 people, so you can examine the fight from all perspectives (please excuse the occasional sloppy play, several of us were very sleep deprived). We also created clips of Limit Cut and Wormhole numbers to cut down on learning time.

submitted by /u/OrLians
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