The Dragoon Is Penalized

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You all talk about buffing... Do you even play each single job at Square Enix?
The DRG, for istance, is the only melee who cannot count on the use of a off-global cd skill which allows him to fast approach the boss, such as shukichi, gyoten or tackle shoulder.
DRG has got Elusive Jump, yeah... the same skill which kills you if you make 1cm mistake in positioning.
Or maybe Spinshatter Dive, which has 1min of cd for 240 of potency. Why don’t you nerf this useless skill adding 2 stacks of use to it?
What about Chaos Thrust? 24 sec... it expires each time you need to move during DRG rotation.
On the other hand, Disembowel lasts 30 sec and it’s easier to refresh it before it expires. So why don’t you make Chaos last 30 sec, too?
Please, next time try focusing on useful adjustments, not useless ones such as Blood of Dragoon updates.:mad::mad::mad::mad:

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