I checked with a chrono. The loading cutscene for every game of CC takes about 40s to unfold. It is unskippable as well (but some people have found ways to bypass it apparently, which doesn't change anything since they're stuck waiting for everybody else anyway). Also it's a duty, by its nature you need everybody to confirm before starting the duty, which can take up to 50s if someone clicks at the last moment. Then you have a black screen that can take 5s or 10s depending on the server's mood and people's specs, then the cutscene (40s). Then finally, another black screen of 5s, and the pregame being set to 30s.
When you add all of this, you end up with more than 2 full whooping minutes not actually playing, for games that will last on average 5min or a bit more, 10min for longer ones. This means that of the total time spent for a single duty, all players will spend potentially 20 to 40% of the time twiddling their thumbs. Imagine this, over 100 games, you'll potentially spend 3 hours just watching the loading cutscene and waiting for loading times, and I haven't even talked about the post game score board that takes ages to show up and do its little rank animation, that inconveniently also overtakes the focus away from you when you're just trying to spam leave the game faster. It feels like every time I'm not actually playing the mode, I'm constantly fighting for the game to hurry the heck up and move on to the next.
I do believe a lot of this fat can be trimmed because it's just flashy, and while it looks nice, pve doesn't even do that.
1) We need ranked to skip the loading cutscene and just show the teams during the pregame like for pve instances. We can skip dungeon loading cutscenes so why not the pvp ones, especially in ranked? We're not playing ranked to watch intro cutscenes. Just show the roster with the two teams in a banner at the top of the screen during the pregame.
2) We need to cut down the pregame loading times in ranked by half, bring them down to 15s or even 20s. We're literally going mad waiting for 30s in that cage every damn game.
3) Remove the penalty for missing a queue in ranked, this brings literally nothing to the game, doesn't punish anything since players will still be queued and it will pop with the next player anyway. Why is this even a thing? If someone misses a queue for whatever reason, they're out of ranked for the next 30min and it can be the difference between a game or no game during that time if no more than 10 players are queued up.
4) Allow us to view the scoreboard AFTER the games if we want to. Allow us to leave the instance immediately without having to preload the duty menu to blitz click on leave before the board loads up... And leaving too fast can actually count you as forfeiting the game (i've seen it happen).
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When you add all of this, you end up with more than 2 full whooping minutes not actually playing, for games that will last on average 5min or a bit more, 10min for longer ones. This means that of the total time spent for a single duty, all players will spend potentially 20 to 40% of the time twiddling their thumbs. Imagine this, over 100 games, you'll potentially spend 3 hours just watching the loading cutscene and waiting for loading times, and I haven't even talked about the post game score board that takes ages to show up and do its little rank animation, that inconveniently also overtakes the focus away from you when you're just trying to spam leave the game faster. It feels like every time I'm not actually playing the mode, I'm constantly fighting for the game to hurry the heck up and move on to the next.
I do believe a lot of this fat can be trimmed because it's just flashy, and while it looks nice, pve doesn't even do that.
1) We need ranked to skip the loading cutscene and just show the teams during the pregame like for pve instances. We can skip dungeon loading cutscenes so why not the pvp ones, especially in ranked? We're not playing ranked to watch intro cutscenes. Just show the roster with the two teams in a banner at the top of the screen during the pregame.
2) We need to cut down the pregame loading times in ranked by half, bring them down to 15s or even 20s. We're literally going mad waiting for 30s in that cage every damn game.
3) Remove the penalty for missing a queue in ranked, this brings literally nothing to the game, doesn't punish anything since players will still be queued and it will pop with the next player anyway. Why is this even a thing? If someone misses a queue for whatever reason, they're out of ranked for the next 30min and it can be the difference between a game or no game during that time if no more than 10 players are queued up.
4) Allow us to view the scoreboard AFTER the games if we want to. Allow us to leave the instance immediately without having to preload the duty menu to blitz click on leave before the board loads up... And leaving too fast can actually count you as forfeiting the game (i've seen it happen).
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