The Aoe Skills Are Useless And Not Needed

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Ever since the patch 5.1 came out i am scratching my head over those skills where should i put them on my hotbar to make them the least annoying skills to have.

I dont know why and what for SE decided to give us aoe skills, but i found them completely useless most of the times. Why you ask?
Because they are dealing a lot less damage than single target skills, netcode of this game is so broken that you may as well swing those aoe skills in the air because you will barely ever going to hit more than 2 targets with it since everyone and their mother and their pets is running constantly around making it impossible to hit anymore than 2 target with them.
Killing in this game pvp is second most important thing to do if not the most important, you gain a lot of bonuses from assists and kills that allows you to do more damage also you gain points for that. If you decide to use aoe abilities that are around half of the strength of single target skills then you will not be able to kill anyone with it EVER thanks to the potions, healers and mobility everyone have in pvp.

The damage is too low on these abilities, the nature of pvp forces us to throw our strongest attacks and focus them against even the weakest opponent thanks to the excessive amount of deffensive skills otherwise our taget could just run away from us and we just wasted time for nothing.

Another thing is if you are melee and you actually stand surrounded by the enemies you are getting easily and fastly killed no matter what job you are playing and this is a hypothetical situation you should put yourself in in order to make the most out of aoe skills right? If so there is literally no point to use AOE skills because you have to put yourself in direct danger of getting killed in 1-3 seconds, in that amount of time you will have a chance to throw 1-2 aoes and thats it, this is a complete nonsense.

Why do we even need those skills at all? Why not give us some more indepth mechanics that will allow us to CC, deal more single target damage or survive longer?

If anything they are just a noobtrap for those who try to play pvp once in a while, jumping in, casting two skills and dying like a grunt in warcraft 3, meh.

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