Tbn Doesn't Require Any Mp To Cast? Concern Over Tank Balancing.

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Was looking over the PVP job change notes and I remember during the live letter Yoshi-P was talking about DRK and how it will be changed.


Then I found this and it made me skeptical. That MP cost for TBN was in some way a balance for DRK, since you had to manage MP to see if it was able to be casted before bursting/be bursted. Now knowing that TBN is a free cast and DRK still retains it's HP recovery down skills, still seems like DRK is going to be the meta in terms of tanks.

With the removal of all the job specific peeling skills (Minus Holm because Holm) I'm not sure what the hell is going on with these changes.

As a guy who couldn't complete my ranked season due to an shoulder surgery (was about 3 wins from top 100), seeing changes like this are just making me nervous and I feel like I can't properly practice the mode since old mentalities clash against these new skill updates.


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