Tanks Should Have Increased Enmity By Default.

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In random groups, only one off-tank out of ten turns on their enmity stance. And if the main tank dies the boss usually has enough time to kill a DPS or two before OT takes aggro. And as you know, if the boss started casting their buster on the DPS it will go off on the DPS even if the tank takes aggro during casting.

When you try to teach people they should use their stance all the time and use Shirk to get rid of unneeded enmity, they either ignore you or tell you to gfys. And Shirk doesn't even work on the tanks that are not in your group (alliance raids)...

As a lot of you know WoW once had the same mechanic: tanks had to turn on their stances and seals to generate aggro. Blizzard fixed it. So should SE.

There's only one solution to this problem: tanks should generate increased enmity by default. An off-tank without their stance on should be the second in the boss's aggro list right after the main tank, not the last. The stance should be used only for MT/OT rotation.

Let's get rid of the toxic players together. Because this crap makes me angry every time.

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