Tanking Is Actually, Easy

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So after waiting for 30 min+ trying to level up my DPS classes. I thought I would encourage those with tanxiety.

Let me say it again:

Here is why:

  • Fairly easier rotations compared to DPS classes
  • Much greater survivability
  • Many mechanics don't apply to you like tethers and AoE

BUT tanking is NOT braindead either, keep the following in mind when tanking:

  • Tankbusters: boss will attempt to kill you (9/10 he won't)
  • Boss/mobs Location: Where the boss/mobs are located (take your time learning this)
  • Rotating Defensive cooldowns (easy to learn)

Still uncomfortable? then let me tell you:

No one cares if you die (You will rarely even get called out), just make sure you do better next time

In Trials: you can say that you want to OT (off-tank) if you are uncomfortable with main-tanking

Tanks are stereotyped to be experienced players, so EVEN if you die people are more likely to secretly judge the healer (lol)

In dungeons pull the amount you are comfortable with (initially), your party will understand if it's your first time tanking.

If you are confused, lost, or don't know the way, ask, there is no shame, people are more than willing to help. I am telling you this from experience, my first job was a PLD.

Lastly, the amount of pride and freedom tanking brings you is amazing, you will eventually run dungeons screaming "Hit me, you trash."

So go out there and grab a shield....or a... big sword?!,....or a GUN??

submitted by /u/Historical_Print_846
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