Synodic Scribe's "The Steady Change in Writing..." Video

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The Steady Change in Writing within Final Fantasy XIV

I know posting someone else's video is considered gauche on the forums but I think Synodic Scribe's latest video, The Steady Change in Writing within Final Fantasy XIV, really speaks of the issues people have with the game's writing from what were at the time minor things in ShB that turned into bigger issues in EW and DT.

For those who don't want to watch the video, here is a paraphrasing:
• Loose plot threads have always been a thing in XIV, with ARR setting so many up as future proofing for different kinds of stories (MSQ or side). Some of XIV's more well liked story beats use these plot threads to their advantage (the Ascian side of ShB's plot being an example, Ul'dah and Limsa's growth being another).

• HW (and later ShB) was so well received because of it's focus on one area and/or event (Ishgard and the Dragonsong War, the First and the Flood of Light), giving players the time to become attached to them and their people. This extends to their post expansion MSQs.

• SB's MSQ ping-ponging between Ala Mhigo and Doma weakened the story, making the story awkwardly paced and not allowing players to grow attached to them, their attention split between two areas.

• In ShB, characters like Emet and Ardbert were used wisely, with ShB's story feeling like it's focused on you the player, not them. Versus Wok Lamat, who takes over the story.

• However, because of how well received ShB was, some of its worst design and story habits are replicated:
- False advisement in the expansion trailers: ShB was the first expansion where the trailer didn't reflect anything of the actual plot. ShB's trailer emphasizes using the power of darkness to combat the light of the first, only for said power of darkness to never be an actual thing in the story. EW and DT's trailers double down on this.
- We're getting more and more content that references other media versus original content. Take for example the Nier raid, which feels more like both an advert for Nier to XIV players and a draw to Nier players to play XIV. The Vana'diel raid is inching into similar territory, feeling more like an advert for XI for XIV players. Also, EW's post expansion heavy IV referencing and DT's with IX.
This can be polarizing for those who want newer content to be more original rather then referential.
- Important and world molding concepts and events are forgotten by the wayside by the next expansion. Examples include SB's artificial Echo and the implication that the Echo could allow one to control Primals, everything happening in Ivalice and Bozha, and Dynamis. It makes the audience wonder why the writers bothered introduced said important things if they weren't going to expand upon them. Electrope is heading in this direction.

• EW also introduced many bad traits that would be follow into DT
- Rushed pacing.
- Character arcs are either rushed or no existent, Hermes, for example, has little to no fleshing out as a character, with us never really learning what inspired his actions or feelings. We only see the end result of it, which is bad for a character who is built up to being the biggest villain.
- World ending events not reflected outside of the expansions new zones.
- It copied ShB's end area and dungeon being a fabricated area full of simulated life forms from past societies.
- The post expansion MSQ having nothing to do with the base expansion's story. It never addresses how the world is going to go forward after the end of days or the introduction of Dynamis.
- Zero was a precursor to Wok Lamat. EW's post expansion MSQ focused heavily on Zero as the main character, with powers and knowledge only she has. With people praising Zero, Wok Lamat seems to have been created with her in mind, with the DT's plot being character driven around her and you being a observer who steps in only for the fighting.

• Synodic concludes that he feels the story should focus on the story of a set location (like HW and ShB), using past plot threads and side stories to its advantage and focus less on a specific character plots.

• Whether you like or dislike DT or any plot, you should always share your feedback on it. Let the developers know what you like (in a civilized manner, naturally).


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