Suggestion: More Diverse Reactions, Dialogue Options And Class-specific Dialogue

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I would like to write a suggestion on the story matter that has recently crossed my mind once again. I noticed it a lot of times happening through the story, so I thought I'd make a post.

From time to time as I played, I felt intense disconnect from my character that I feel could have been just solved by a couple of animations and lines of dialogue. I wished my WoL could have offered Tataru an option to teach her Arcanima when my character was a Scholar. I wished she at least attempted to heal Noraxia for the same reason, or reacted in any healer-specific way whenever someone in the story was brought to the healers, instead of just standing, or there were more Caster-specific options in the game acknowledging that she knows more than nothing about aetherology, or that the Bozjans would say anything about her being a GNB, or reacting just cold and matter-of-fact instead of fiery angry towards Gaius when she showed more understanding towards Zenos( even though she hates Zenos a lot more), or that she could try to comfort the twins.

The most jarring case for me, however, happened pretty recently in the MSQ. During a lot of 5.3 sequences, I felt a disconnect from my WoL due to how affectionate she was towards G'raha, even though I never imagined anything like romance or close friendship between them. If anything, timeline-wise WoLs have known G'raha for not that long, especially compared to the Scions, with whom we get nowhere near as much of such interactions( which only makes it more jarring). I understand that there is audience for this kind of content, I just wish that there was a choice on to have our characters be like that or not instead of it being a default, as someone who is not that much into G'raha as a character. This was the one gripe I had with the otherwise great 5.3 patch, and when I sat down to think about it, I realized that this wasn't the first time I felt like that, just the time I felt like that the strongest, so... Here I am, writing this.

To avoid angry comments, I am once again saying that I do not ask complex branching choices that would alter half the quest, that would be impossible, of course. I just would like the dialogue window where different responses leads to different reactions to show up more frequently, in more key moments. For example, let us choose if we want to run towards the Crystal Tower or just slowly walk towards it. Or have us offer to heal someone if our character's current class is set to healer, instead of having someone else do it. As a side of this, I'd also love if more NPCs acknowledged certain specifics regarding what classes we have, which is especially the case with casters and healers( who seem to get acknowledged very rarely). It may not be much of a difference in the big picture, but I feel that small moments like this greatly help the immersion. Or maybe it is just me the way I see things.

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