Suggestion Living Dead / Left For Dead

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Suggestion Living Dead / Left for Dead

The Idea:
In seek for greater Power, You are loosing Your soul to shadows/darkness. Embracing the shadows/darkness (visual change*) - Now You are Bad Guy ^_^ - And to get Your senses Back, The Evil Shadow need to be Damaged, thus Tank Buster.

If You are not damaged for proper amount in those 10s, You are Left for Dead, and after 10s coming back from shadows with 0 hp.

- You have 10s invulnerability

- You can't get healed by team/party
( as the name of skill might suggest, you are Dead already )

- To return from Dead/Shadows, You need to suffer Fatal Wound - if not, You Die.
( You have to suffer amount of Your max hp, even if You used the skill at 20% of Your hp, or 12hp )

- If used wrongly in Dungeon/Raid You Die.

Suggestion for Visual Change:
When You press The Skill - You will be covered in shadow - like "Living Shadow lvl 80"

Funny suggestion: What if party could hit You as well ^_^? To Help Rescue You? Image the WHM waiting with "Afflatus Misery" To pummel the Shadows/Darkness. It could be funny, but I think The LD would be too strong. So leaving it without "funny suggestion", would have interesting draw back - If used wrongly, You just Die.

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