Since they're instanced and new available rooms appear whenever the previous ones fill up, it should be fine to allow a character to have multiple apartments. It will allow us to use our housing items without fear of losing them should we not be able to log in for a period, and get creative.
(P.S. I know you can buy an FC room alongside one's apartment and choose an FC based on FC house location, but FC houses are like regular houses in that they can be lost at any time or one could leave that FC any time. I think it would be preferable to allow multiple apartments, especially if it's like 1 per residential area.)
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(P.S. I know you can buy an FC room alongside one's apartment and choose an FC based on FC house location, but FC houses are like regular houses in that they can be lost at any time or one could leave that FC any time. I think it would be preferable to allow multiple apartments, especially if it's like 1 per residential area.)
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