You are probably right Nekio.
If you remember a computer that had:
A) Tape Recorder for Data Storage - TRS-80 / BASIC
B) Low Density 5.25" Drive(s) - DOS 1,2,3
C) Low Density 3.5" Drive(s) - DOS 3,4,5
D) High Density 5.25" Drive(s) - Windows 1, 2 / DOS 4,5
E) High Density 3.5" Drive(s) - Windows 2, 3, 3.11, NT, 95, 98 / DOS 5 are getting old....
And if you're too young to remember, a magnet would destroy the data on all of that media stated above. You can still do it to a hard drive though!
I never owned OS/2, but it's in there somewhere.