Trying to sell anything not on Seraph is hell, The character i have linked to my forum account is my old Seraph Character that i dumped prior to Dawntrail launch then went and made a new character just for dawntrail.
When i sell stuff on Ashton it's fast, No issues.
When i sell stuff on Styr it takes ages, I'm selling my stuff 50% cheaper than the lowest priced offer and it's still not selling. This is stuff that should be selling like hotcakes, Ingots, Crystal shards, ores, holy water, ETC
I resorted to buying 4 retainers, All of them as of 2 hours ago are 20/20/20/20
I go to another server and look at their sale history, Same stuff i'm selling is selling consistently for higher price.
Dynamis failed, Fuse all the worlds into one please. This is honestly a joke trying to do anything right now. It's gotten to the point where i'm always 140/140 inventory cause i can't sell anything.
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When i sell stuff on Ashton it's fast, No issues.
When i sell stuff on Styr it takes ages, I'm selling my stuff 50% cheaper than the lowest priced offer and it's still not selling. This is stuff that should be selling like hotcakes, Ingots, Crystal shards, ores, holy water, ETC
I resorted to buying 4 retainers, All of them as of 2 hours ago are 20/20/20/20
I go to another server and look at their sale history, Same stuff i'm selling is selling consistently for higher price.
Dynamis failed, Fuse all the worlds into one please. This is honestly a joke trying to do anything right now. It's gotten to the point where i'm always 140/140 inventory cause i can't sell anything.
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