[spoilers] Are We Being Geared Up For An Underworld Expansion?

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So, we've had a few references related to the Underworld (or the Aetherial Sea) in Shadowbringers so far.

1) We learned that Emet-Selch's true name is Hades and that he was gifted with the powers of the Underworld. This was further emphasized in the Through His Eyes short story. How that's going to play out in the future is not clear, but it's most definitely going to have some importance later. I don't think they would drop that kind of background for nothing.

2) The "Sound" that caused the Ancients' creation magicks to go haywire during the Final Days apparently emanated from deep within the earth. Which is supposedly where the Underworld is located. The Ancients never seemed to have solved that conundrum, so it's probably going to rear its head at some point.

3) At the very end of the Ivalice raid questline, there's a cutscene that shows that the Garleans have found a "weapon powerful enough to carve a gateway to the land's very core" in the Clockwork City of Goug. Again, where the Underworld is supposedly located.

4) This isn't really a reference, but if Zenos manages to absorb Zodiark somehow, we may have to absorb Hydaelyn to defeat him. The question is, would she be strong enough at this point to summon us to her to do so? Or would we have to venture to the Underworld ourselves? As far as I know, it's always been assumed that Hydaelyn resides deep within the earth in the Aetherial Sea.

Could all of this mean that we're moving towards an Underworld-focused expansion?

Would that even be possible, given what we know of the Underworld so far? Is there an entire realm down there? Or just empty space (like what we see when we're summoned by Hydaelyn)? It seems like there may be something more to it considering how crazy the Antitower is. Interested to hear people's thoughts, and any lore you may know.

Of course, other expansion possibilities could be Ilsabard/Garlemald or the 13th considering certain events that have transpired. But I'm starting to lean a little more towards something Underworld-focused with its emphasis in the story so far and all the talk of souls.

submitted by /u/Meralien90
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