Specific directory to install DvsParse?

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Non-Validated User
I couldn't find any specific instructions on which folder DvsParse should be in, so I'm assuming it works from anywhere. I've downloaded the correct .NET framework for my Windows. When I run the parser and turn on the parsing options I want to look at, nothing gets logged at all. What's wrong here?

Thanks for helping. Good job on the awesome piece of work.
Did you click Start Parsing? It's from the file menu. Also all of your chat filters need to be set to OFF.
Yes I'm familiar with other parsing tools and those were among the first steps I took. I'm pretty stumped, and I've tried reinstalling a few times too, to no avail.
A debug.log file is produced in the same directory that you install the parser to. Any kind of error messages in there? You can open it in notepad. Also what version are you using?
This was the error I was getting:
3/30/2007 1:50:28 PM - DvsChatmon_3: Dereferencing chat pointer.
3/30/2007 1:50:28 PM - Error dereferencing first pointer.

Anyway, I was running 1.5.1. Thanks for bringing that to my attention, I downloaded the latest version and it works smoothly now.

Thanks for the help.
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