Something That Still Bothers Me About The Heavensward Storyline....

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How do you get "EAT ME!" from "undying love"?

Like, how is that the first thing you come up with when the relationship looks like it might be broken up or destroyed? Or the second thing? Or the third thing?

Or even like the 15th thing?

Couldn't you have, I dunno, had a statue made? Big-ass memorial telling the tale so future generations could read about it? Maybe something symbolic like one of those super-big-super-old trees so that your body could nourish new life your loved one would be able to appreciate when you're gone?

I just feel like there were a lot of options that should've been explored before jumping to the one that lead to your...remains....being deposited in a big pile a day later or so.

submitted by /u/ParagonFury
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