Someone on reddit analysed how many main cast lines are in the game. Wuk Lamat is 3rd

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All credit goes to u/turn_a_blind_eye/Rise Narukami and u/eriyu.

Like the title said, someone posted on the XIV subreddit some very cool and interesting graphs, I do not know if I can post links in this forum or not, if I can, I will edit with a link to it.
Top 3 characters with the most lines from 2.0 to 7.1 in total:
1. Alphinaud at 93,649, 7.1%.
2 Alisae at 48,404, 4.3%.
3 Wuk Lamat 39,134 4.2%. In one expansion.

Wuk Lamat is *BARELY* behind Alisae, a character that has been with us since the very first cutscene, since the start of the game.

And with those 39,134 lines, she has basically said the same things every single time, never anything new. She is genuinely the most forced, uninteresting, bland character in the game. How is a character that has been here for only ONE expansion, and not even a full one at that, have almost more lines than Alisae? Why force her so bad?

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