Roll with me here im Tweak-Posting a lil but check it.
this is the Stone Case from the DawnTrail Job Actions Video
Now, ignoring BlueMage and the announced BeastMaster Limited Jobs (because the BLU stone isnt in the case with the other stones)
i have no clue if SqeNix or Creative Studio III take that much attention to detail BUT, there are 9 empty stone slots in this video.
ideally, we could get 3 more Tanks, Healers, and DPSs
i have a friend who was talking bout Jobs that could be in the future and they have wanted,
Blitzballer (FFX) Physical Ranged DPS (wakka)
Green Mage (FF Tactis) Healer/Support (Chel Groms)
Gunner/Dual Gunner (FFX-2) Physical Ranged (Yuna)
Rune Knight (FF tactis) Tank Magical (Howlet)
Nightblade (FFBE) Tank (Elsirelle)
Following the open slots in the case what would yall want to fill those 9 slots?
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Roll with me here im Tweak-Posting a lil but check it.
this is the Stone Case from the DawnTrail Job Actions Video
Now, ignoring BlueMage and the announced BeastMaster Limited Jobs (because the BLU stone isnt in the case with the other stones)
i have no clue if SqeNix or Creative Studio III take that much attention to detail BUT, there are 9 empty stone slots in this video.
ideally, we could get 3 more Tanks, Healers, and DPSs
i have a friend who was talking bout Jobs that could be in the future and they have wanted,
Blitzballer (FFX) Physical Ranged DPS (wakka)
Green Mage (FF Tactis) Healer/Support (Chel Groms)
Gunner/Dual Gunner (FFX-2) Physical Ranged (Yuna)
Rune Knight (FF tactis) Tank Magical (Howlet)
Nightblade (FFBE) Tank (Elsirelle)
Following the open slots in the case what would yall want to fill those 9 slots?
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