Some Suggestions

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this is my first forum post, so i apologize in advance if it is repeated, or incoherent, i started playing FF14 around 2 weeks ago, althought the game is amazing, and im enjoying it very much, there are some quality of life things that i find lacking, and i wish to share some suggestions on how to improve them

Multi-item select (for sale and other things)- my god how is this not a feature, in all bluntness, its a pain to sell items in this game, and makes me realize how lucky i was to have multi select, or even trash designation, with the auto loot system we have, inventory tends to fill quickly, and a multi tool select so we could sell items, or even just a fast sell, would go a great way in quality of life

Basic Emotes- emotes are a thing, and this game has a lot of them, however, some of the most basic seem to be missing, i can have an emote to flex my gigantic biceps, but somehow, a drink or eat emote is non existente, such emotes, in my opinion are quite essencial, for it creates immersion, even more, you have an RP server, with RP tags and all, wich adds more to the necessety of such emotes such as eat, lay down, drink, or talk

Emotion emotes- i remenber talking with people from other games, and they speak of looping emotes, as in, especially the mood ones, change how your character acts, for example if you emote your sad, and try to walk around, the walking animation is more dragged, in a way to show his emotion, i think its a really cool idea, when, once again we have such a havid RP community

Loop Emotes- some emotes in game are 1 action, for example doze he dozes and wakes up, although fun and usefull at times, i wish i had an emote that was a toggle instead of a switch, as in, when i used it, it stayed in use till otherwise, like a doze emote for afk, you make a macros for it, you go afk, the character dozes, and when you come back, he wakes up (a rather specific and extreme example, but nothing else came to mind)

I thank you for your time reading this, and apologize for the lengh and if there is anything repeated on other posts, all and all, this is my contribution

Have fun adventuring,

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