Hello, I thought I'd share some macros I made to self help in Chaotic content utilizing the /echo function. I play on KB/M, I'm not sure if such a thing would be feasable to controller players.
I've seen and heard talk of macros for the eye laser debuff reminders but I'm not experienced enough with macro making beyond making simple macros.
I struggle abit with stored mechanics (enaero/endeath) + hands, and as a player I struggle alot with visualizing mechanics (ie: Queen's Chess DRS and Emerald Weapon Ex's Swords)
I use Legacy controls and move by strafing on q and e. How I resolve these mechanics on legacy is
Hand Mechanic:
Macro 1
Icon : Forwards Arrow
Macro name : Claw Behind/Crystal Infront
/echo Run forwards
/echo Back to edge > Run forwards
Macro 2
Icon : Backwards Arrow
Macro Name : Claw Infront/Crystal Behind
Macro :
/echo Run backwards
/echo Face to the edge > turn around
How I resolve it: If her fingers is infront of the crystal a claw will spawn infront of me, so I need to face outside then wait until timer (heavy starts) turn my camera around, press w.
If her fingers are behind the claw will spawn behind you, you just press W.
Macro 1
Icon : Purple Crystal
Macro name : Endeath
/echo Death/Draw in is stored
/a [Death] Draw in is stored
Macro 2
Icon : Green Crystal
Macro name : Enaero
/echo Aero/knockback is stored
/a [Aero] knockback is stored
You can ignore this mechanic by simply standing at these corners and halfway through the blade cast, you press Arms Length/Surecast. I personally prefer to KB immune the aero and resolve the death since you need to go into the donut after the small point blank
Picture pending...I'll take a pic sometime..
You can aim to be on the left/right on the square, if you don't know what it is. If you see green bubble, then no need to do anything, if you see purple bubble, wait for the point blank to go off then go in.
Phase 2 it's hard to make macros for it..
Status Info Enfeeblements, make it large and somewhere you can easily see and keep checking it.
Eye lasers have 3 timers I believe, there's a timeline for it (probably)
She never repeats mechanics
Before swap > glowing purple > spread
Then after swap > glowing yellow > wild charges (stack behind the tank)
Plus first then it'll be donut after bramble/seed placement into 33s debuffs going off (after resolving 2nd cross/donut)
If it's core lateral on one side, it's lateral core on the other platform.
You can make a macro for it if you want to call it. It's not feasable to have that much macro.
[A] Lateral Core > Sides then Infront
[C] Core Lateral > Front then Sides
The 93s debuffs (eye laser) Goes off after the core/lateral + standing in the safe spot
If she's rotating clockwise, your safe spot is anti-clockwise...and so on, after which you resolve your eye debuff by looking outwards.
I manually press my reminder macro because I know the time-ish, someone smarter than me at macro making could make a macro that goes off 9s before debuff expires. Technically you could do it with wait macros right? But my brain is too smooth for that. I've yet to nail the timing after swaps for gazes, I just check my party list and do the macro accordingly. The macros I use often are hand/endeath-aero and reminders for eye lasers.
There's plenty of time to click a macro when she's showing the hand tethers and enaero/endeath you could resolve your mechanic (hand if you need) then use macro. I've seen people use atomos macro and other aero/death macros to bring some consistency into PF.
Sorry if this is just all common knowledge or even too late or unhelpful. I feel like I've been frustrated with this content alot and it made me abit impatient so I thought maybe I could share what I know instead.
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I've seen and heard talk of macros for the eye laser debuff reminders but I'm not experienced enough with macro making beyond making simple macros.
I struggle abit with stored mechanics (enaero/endeath) + hands, and as a player I struggle alot with visualizing mechanics (ie: Queen's Chess DRS and Emerald Weapon Ex's Swords)
I use Legacy controls and move by strafing on q and e. How I resolve these mechanics on legacy is
Hand Mechanic:
Macro 1
Icon : Forwards Arrow
Macro name : Claw Behind/Crystal Infront
/echo Run forwards
/echo Back to edge > Run forwards
Macro 2
Icon : Backwards Arrow
Macro Name : Claw Infront/Crystal Behind
Macro :
/echo Run backwards
/echo Face to the edge > turn around
How I resolve it: If her fingers is infront of the crystal a claw will spawn infront of me, so I need to face outside then wait until timer (heavy starts) turn my camera around, press w.
If her fingers are behind the claw will spawn behind you, you just press W.
Macro 1
Icon : Purple Crystal
Macro name : Endeath
/echo Death/Draw in is stored
/a [Death] Draw in is stored
Macro 2
Icon : Green Crystal
Macro name : Enaero
/echo Aero/knockback is stored
/a [Aero] knockback is stored
You can ignore this mechanic by simply standing at these corners and halfway through the blade cast, you press Arms Length/Surecast. I personally prefer to KB immune the aero and resolve the death since you need to go into the donut after the small point blank
Picture pending...I'll take a pic sometime..
You can aim to be on the left/right on the square, if you don't know what it is. If you see green bubble, then no need to do anything, if you see purple bubble, wait for the point blank to go off then go in.
Phase 2 it's hard to make macros for it..
Status Info Enfeeblements, make it large and somewhere you can easily see and keep checking it.
Eye lasers have 3 timers I believe, there's a timeline for it (probably)
She never repeats mechanics
Before swap > glowing purple > spread
Then after swap > glowing yellow > wild charges (stack behind the tank)
Plus first then it'll be donut after bramble/seed placement into 33s debuffs going off (after resolving 2nd cross/donut)
If it's core lateral on one side, it's lateral core on the other platform.
You can make a macro for it if you want to call it. It's not feasable to have that much macro.
[A] Lateral Core > Sides then Infront
[C] Core Lateral > Front then Sides
The 93s debuffs (eye laser) Goes off after the core/lateral + standing in the safe spot
If she's rotating clockwise, your safe spot is anti-clockwise...and so on, after which you resolve your eye debuff by looking outwards.
I manually press my reminder macro because I know the time-ish, someone smarter than me at macro making could make a macro that goes off 9s before debuff expires. Technically you could do it with wait macros right? But my brain is too smooth for that. I've yet to nail the timing after swaps for gazes, I just check my party list and do the macro accordingly. The macros I use often are hand/endeath-aero and reminders for eye lasers.
There's plenty of time to click a macro when she's showing the hand tethers and enaero/endeath you could resolve your mechanic (hand if you need) then use macro. I've seen people use atomos macro and other aero/death macros to bring some consistency into PF.
Sorry if this is just all common knowledge or even too late or unhelpful. I feel like I've been frustrated with this content alot and it made me abit impatient so I thought maybe I could share what I know instead.
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