So You Wanna Be Ready For 5.4? Here's A Quick Checklist To Get You Started

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With the next big patch coming in about a month, you'll want to be as ready as possible for the new content. What is it you're interested in? Raiding? Crafting/gathering? Maybe just enjoy the story and some side quests? Here's what you'll need to do:

1) And they lived happily ever after
To get ready for the next patch, there is nothing more imperative than making sure you're completely caught up with MSQ. Not only will this finish unlock a majority of the dungeons you'll need for your Expert roulette, but you'll be able to start the new MSQ storyline right from day 1 and avoid spoilers along the way. Unlocking the aforementioned dungeons also lets you gear up to more recent endgame stats, which takes us to our next point:

2) What are those?!
After finishing MSQ, the first thing you should always do is make sure you're up-to-date with is your gear. Whatever your main class is, make sure you've got the right gear to go into the upcoming content. If you're level 80, grind out as many tomestones of Allegory as you can to purchase endgame gear from Fathard in Eulmore. You can also upgrade the gear to level i500 by running the 24-man raids (Puppet Bunker and The Copied Factory) and using one coin from each to upgrade from Shee-Tatch, also in Eulmore.
If you haven't done so already, I would recommend unlocking and at the very least attempting the current endgame savage raids. These raids, which are unlocked once you complete the normal versions of the 8-man raid, drop endgame gear coffers which are also i500 gear. Some fights also drop the same items used to upgrade i490 gear into i500 so you don't have to use the 24-man raid coins to do so.
If you don't want to spend tomes or time on the weapons, the current Bozja relic quests have made it very easy to get a level i500 weapon in less than a day

3) Mo' money, mo' problems
Also announced alongside the 5.4 drop will be a new set of tomestones. The new set, call Tomestones of Revelation, will be taking the place of Tomestones of Allegory. Now, don't fret, the Allegory tomestones will still be around, but you won't be able to purchase the latest set of endgame gear with them (presumably i520). Allegory tomestones will no longer have a weekly cap, and the current low-end tome, Tomestone of Phantasmagoria, will be phased out of circulation (You will no longer be rewarded these tomes for hunts, dungeons, or roulettes). Phantasmagoria will also be able to be exchanged through a vendor and turned into Allegory tomes.
Okay Ryu, we get it, but how do we use this knowledge to get ready for the next patch? Well, since we're still facing a weekly cap of 450 Allegory, start saving up now (Unless you need to gear your character. Gear takes priority here). If you're starting at a hypothetical amount of zero Allegory tomestones, it will take 5 weeks to fully cap at 2k, just in time for the new patch. Also, saving up Phantasmagoria mats would be a smart move here. With the new patch, Allegory tomestones will be used to purchase crafting mats, and not Phantasmagoria. You can use your Allegory here to buy whatever crafting mats or catch-up gear you need, then trade in whatever Phantasmagoria you've managed to save up for more Allegory. This gives you a head start if you're crafting or need gear to participate in some instances of MSQ

3) What about crafters/gatherers? We're the backbone of Eorzea, we need love, too!
I'm glad you asked. If you've got any crafting or gathering classes unlocked but not maxed out, get those classes to 80 as soon as you can. There are a great many resources available through this subreddit that will get you to 80 quick through some heavy grinding in Ishgard, company turn-ins, and levequests. If you've got classes to 80, make sure you craft yourself the latest gear (HQ will be needed for a boost in stats) to be ready for recipes in 5.4! Can't craft it, don't have the stats, or maybe missing the recipes? You can also buy the gear off the market board or maybe work out a deal with some local crafters on your data center to get a head start.
Let's say you've got the latest endgame gear for crafting/gathering, including your tools, and you're melded? Then it's time to start farming scrips and master books. Use this time to gather collectibles and turn them in for white/yellow scrips. If there are any master recipes or legendary nodes you're missing, trade your scrips to the Scrip Exchange NPC in Eulmore for the recipes (Yellow Crafter's Scrip Exchange, Master Recipes), or for Regional Folklore Trade Tokens (Yellow Gatherer's Scrip Exchange, level 70 items). You'll need 40 tokens total for the legendary folklore books for gathering, which are acquired from the Splendors Vendor in the same area. The master recipe books will cost 1,200 yellow scrips each for level VIII, 400 for level VII and VI, 300 for level V, and 100 each for levels VI and III. Level II and I master books are acquired through Mor Dhona, you can get more info on that here

tl;dr: Get to 80, finish MSQ, and start hoarding your resources like your name is Smaug and you just did a huge bump of the finest Dwarven cocaine this side of the Misty Mountains

submitted by /u/DDRDiesel
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