Shiva World Recovery (Jun. 22)

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We were experiencing the following technical difficulties with the Shiva world, but we are happy to announce that these issues have been addressed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

[Date & Time]
Jun. 22, 2010 from 1:44 to 2:12 (PDT)

[Issue Details]
Sometimes unable to access the following area of Shiva world.

Issue with server machines

[Affected Areas]
- Uleguerand Range
- Spire of Mea
- Sacrarium
- Dynamis - Valkurm
- Open sea route to Al Zahbi
- Al Zahbi
- Bhaflau Thickets
- Arrapago Reef
- Talacca Cove
- Mount Zhayolm
- Navukgo Execution Chamber
- Mamook
- Alzadaal Undersea Ruins
- Bastok Markets
- Sauromugue Champaign
- Beaucedine Glacier
- Yuhtunga Jungle
- Xarcabard
- Giddeus
- Castle Zvahl Baileys
- Full Moon Fountain
- Crawlers' Nest
- Korroloka Tunnel
- Stellar Fulcrum
- Dynamis - San d'Oria
- Maze of Shakhrami
- Fei'Yin
- Gustav Tunnel
- Bastok-Jeuno Airship
- Bastok Markets
- Heavens Tower
- Rabao
