Shadows Of Light Is Recruiting

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If you are looking for a new, friendly and extremely casual FC with a core group of active players who try and help other out and run FC events, then SoL may be the one for you!

We are new, so we are filling the higher ranks as people join, so for the time being, you will be promoted as soon as you're accepted.

We have 3 sets of ranks: Shadow, Light and an optional one for new players

The shadow ranks are for people who would rather be left alone and decide when they join into events or other FC activities.

Light ranks are for our more active members who want to help others or the FC in a more direct way. They talk to our newer players and give them a hand when needed, running content, story or just explaining mechanics. They are also the members who plan events and make decisions on how the FC should be run, from naming ranks to whether or not to buy a house and which buffs to have active and when. While everyone gets a vote, the Light ranks help to decide what is a priority.

The new player ranks are optional, and are only there if a new player wants people to check in on them. It just let's us know who may want help.

So, reply or send me a PM here, or find me in-game by sending a /tell to Baelrigh Ta'yren!

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