Searching for news of acquaintances from LA.

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Hello Players of Jenova,

I am looking for some acquaintance from your DC.
Their FC is this The Hellfire Club.

In the distance past I was told they were living in Los Angeles, and I've not heard from the bunch for a long time... and the recent tragic news, I was just wondering if anyone had seen them playing or online at all. Just out of concern for the people I know and I use to play with. The irony about this is we use to joke about how someday Ifrit might just land in California and caused a fire... and that where I live Leviathan might just cause a flood for me.... so yea ... it's not even funny now.

Tsukasa, Mint, Mei, Coffee; you got a combo of Ifrit and Garuda there... are you alive and well?

Please send my good regards to them if you know or heard in anyway. Otherwise, it's okay.
Thanks for your time.

from, Niniru

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