Sch: Deployment Tactics Slight Adjustment Request.

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Since SHB, we lost Eye for an Eye that used to be spreadable and we can't spread a "critlo" double shield anymore since catalyze was introduced and that's not spreadable. The new seraphic shield isn't spreadable either.

So the only things we can currently spread is: galvanize and slightly higher number galvanize (but not double the value like it used to be)

Considering how the delay from cast of shield to deployment is temperamental even if you wait long enough sometimes it still doesn't do it, and it's impossible to spread from fairy anymore so the shield sometimes gets eaten by mechanics before it can even be deployed, would it be crazy to ask for deploy to come with the shield built in? AST got their QoL with Minor Arcana including the card draw in the minor arcana application button. I feel like this is a similar enough change.

For example, it could act like cure 3 where instead of just healing from the target in a short radius, it would heal + shield from the target, so you keep the effect of spreading a shield from a distance in the same smaller radius it currently has, but it's still casted to avoid making it overpowered (and too similar to celestial opposition in nocturnal stance). So if you wanted a "critlo" you would still be able to do recitation > deployment and it would do the same effect it currently has except this time it would guarantee the spread instead.

Since there's nothing else that can be spread I don't fully understand the reasoning behind removing bane but keeping deployment tactics as it is.

I would like to see that a change made that would benefit us a lot considering we already deal with so many fairy delays and bugs as it is already.

What do people think? Would this become OP or do you think this would make it worse?

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