Rowena's Tokens Of Complete Confusion

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Hey all, I need some help. I am new to gathering/crafting, I am leveling BTN (currently lvl 75) and it's my first gathering class. I am trying to purchase the tomes of regional folklore from the splendors vendor in Rhalgr's Reach, and per the game it requires 50 "Rowena's Token (Regional Folklore)". The item icon shows an envelope with a yellow wax seal. Two NPC's down is the scrip exchange, which sells a "Regional Folklore Trade Token" for 100 yellow scrips, and which shows an envelope with a purple wax seal. Guys, what is the difference between these? I can't find the first one ANYWHERE, despite internet resources saying that every scrip exchange sells them for 5 yellow scrips. I am not seeing that! I've looked a million times, in Rhalgr's Reach and every other scrip exchange as well. Doesn't look like the RFTT's (purple seal) will buy the tomes. I am so lost, please help.

submitted by /u/Beer_MeStrength
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