Happy New Year, kupo!
May it be filled with fun, felicity, and fruitful adventures for all.
By the by, have you heard that the Far Eastern calendar deems this coming cycle the "Year of the Wyrm"?
Mayhaps the myriad musings whispered through the MHMU's halls are true; wyrms will wend their way to Vana'diel's surface from both above and below, kupo!
What's more, rumor has it that a single scaly soul is the source of this massive migration...
Read on for a close encounter of the crawly kind, kupo!
May it be filled with fun, felicity, and fruitful adventures for all.
By the by, have you heard that the Far Eastern calendar deems this coming cycle the "Year of the Wyrm"?
Mayhaps the myriad musings whispered through the MHMU's halls are true; wyrms will wend their way to Vana'diel's surface from both above and below, kupo!
What's more, rumor has it that a single scaly soul is the source of this massive migration...
Read on for a close encounter of the crawly kind, kupo!