Returning Player Looking For New Static

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So I've been playing FFXIV on and off since the very end of Heavensward. I've recently come back just a few patches ago in Shadowbringers with the intention to stay so I'm in need of a new static. I'm interested in doing Savage content old and new and tackling Ultimate content. I'm also interested in misc. content such as BLU.

While I don't have much raiding experience in FFXIV I do have a lot of hardcore raiding experience in other mmos. I pick up mechanics quickly and am generally skilled at classes I play. That said, I have only done true prog for O1S-O3S and haven't done any other FFXIV content while it was currant.

I have all job classes leveled to 80 and geared in the newest tier crafted sets. I have a general understanding of how they all play as I am usually a Jack of all Trades in MMOs so I can usually fill any role. I do However Main Healer and Casters and am more experienced and skilled in these roles. I am an Omni crafter + Gatherer and have no issues providing pots/food/gear to party members who need it.

I'm looking for a static that runs on a more casual schedule with a more hardcore mind set.

You can get in touch with me through Discord, Kysis Kirin#0017, or Pm me in game, U'xhak Tia Adamantoise. I'm online most days.

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